A musical interlude

June 20, 2010

I have mentioned before that my hubby plays baritone saxophone for a big band. They are called Rush Hour. Not being a night person I don’t go to many of their gigs but today they were playing at Fete De La Musique, an all day free event at the Lake Monger Recreation Centre (Wembly Bowling Club). They played at the same event last year but the vibe was not the same. Last year’s was in Fremantle on a market day and, as they are LOUD and you could hear them in the street, they attracted a lot of passing trade. You can see a clip from last years show. This year’s event was a bit more out of the way and you would have to have known that it was on. They played first so they were on at 11am. Which meant that they had lots of time to set up but it was before the crowd started turning up for the food. I took some photos and videos with my phone to share with you all. A couple I streamed to Qik to try it out but they aren’t great quality. This one is better. Hubby is on the far right. the soloist is Ross.

They only had 1/2 hour then there was a heavy rock band  (Blackjack) followed by a classical trio (Trio Espressivo). We couldn’t stay longer but the rest of the program [pdf] was going to be  just as varied.

The food was french so we piled up croissants and baguettes to take home and partook of waffles and crepes there. Then we went to Herdsmen Fresh to do the weekend shopping on the way home.

It was a good day. NTS: I should go out more often.

3 Responses to “A musical interlude”

  1. Penny Says:

    yum! I’m attracted to the french food aspect 🙂

  2. gigglesigh Says:

    It was yummy I was there too – Miss 4 was performing along with her class. The crepes and pains aux chocolat were YUMMY

  3. […] post about hubby’s gig was as much an experiment in mobile citizen journalism/life stream recording from my iPhone as a […]

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